ARISE(代表國際學生交流協會)於2020年在亞利桑那州鳳凰城成立,其創始人在高中階段的文化交流領域擁有超過25年的經驗。 ARISE資助14至18歲的高素質國際學生,並將他們安置在經過全面篩选和挑選的美國寄宿家庭和高中,為期一個學期或一個學年。
邦德爾女士出生於威斯康星州的奧什科甚,在亞利桑那州立大學攻讀高等教育。她獲得了西班牙語學士學位,重點是拉丁美洲研究,以及社會學和葡萄牙語的未成年人。邦德爾女士擁有葡萄牙語和西班牙語的知識,並且在文化交流領域擁有25年以上的經驗。她是1994年開始的一項文化計劃OCEAN的創始人之一。作為特別服務總監,她負責管理該計劃並維持與國際夥伴和地區代表的伙伴關係。她保持最新狀態,了解時事以及美國國務院的法規。COVID-19危機對於世界各地的許多人來說都是艱難的時刻,尤其是對海外課程的研究。這導致邦德爾女士與海 洋分離。儘管面臨挑戰,但它為新機遇打開了大門。因此,她決定與她的商業夥伴和朋友Nayara DeSousa女士一起開設ARISE。邦德爾女士對文化交流計劃深表感謝,並接待了來自巴西,中國和泰國的交流學生。作為ARISE的總裁,她是履行組織使命並在國際學生和美國人民之間實現文化統一的完美人選。邦德爾女士熱愛動物,喜歡旅行,烹飪和為社區服務。
Laura Bondell
DeSousa女士出生於巴西的福塔萊薩(Fortaleza),2003年以高中交換生的身份來到美國。她精通葡萄牙語,英語和西班牙語。她就讀於亞利桑那州立大學,並在中學教育領域獲得了兩個學士學位。她在亞利桑那州立大學繼續她的學業,獲得了兩個社會科學和文化教育學以及非營利管理碩士學位。自從她進入美國的第一天起,她就對國際教育和文化交流充滿熱情和熱情。在獲得第二個碩士學位後,她被雇用在海洋大學工作。從2010年到2020年,她在該組織工作,負責不同的任務,包括招收國際學生,在學年期間監督學生和寄宿家庭,等等。作為ARISE的項目經理,她將繼續投入知識和精力,幫助學生實現他們在美國高中時代的夢想,並確保寄宿家庭有積極的經歷。 DeSousa女士喜歡旅行,自願和烘烤。她喜歡與家人和朋友共度時光。
Nayara Dixon
Located throughout the U.S.
Area Representative: The area representative is a person hired by ARISE as an independent contractor who serves as the contact person for the student and his/her host family. The area representative is involved with recruiting host families, as well as maintaining contact with the student and host family throughout the exchange program. The area representative is also responsible for providing the student with an orientation and acting as a support person for the student and host family if any problems arise. The area representative is compensated by ARISE for his/her services and is required to complete all the proper training to qualify as a member of the organization. It is in the student's best interest that the area representative be used as his/her first contact towards solving problems or correcting any difficulties that he/she may be having.
Area Representatives
Located around the World
International Representative: The international representative is a person or company in the student's home country that is responsible for recruiting and screening students that wish to participate in ARISE’s cultural exchange program. International representatives are not employed by ARISE and have their own fees and contracts with the students and their natural parents. The international representative acts as a connection between ARISE and the natural parents while the student is participating in our program in the United States. The international representative is responsible for screening, selecting, and coordinating all international exchange students in their home country, providing them with an orientation and translating all the materials for the natural parents. He/she follows ARISE’s guidelines, thereby assisting all participants in the adaptation process.